Square Halo Conference

Square Halo Conference

Return to Narnia

Square Halo Conference
Lancaster, Pa.
March 8-9, 2024  

The primary theme for the conference this year was "A Return To Narnia" and indeed it was just that. Even more so it was a fitting tribute to the late Leslie Bustard's vision and dream. The conference is and was the baby and dream child of Leslie and her husband Ned. Held over two days in beautiful downtown Lancaster, Pennsylvania in the space know as The Trust the conference is a gathering of artists and art aficionados who are concerned and dedicated to reaching the culture at large through the arts in a Christian perspective. The weekend consisted of various lectures and breakout sessions focusing on the books of the "Chronicles Of Narnia" by author C.S. Lewis.The keynote speaker for the event was Professor Matthew Dickerson of Middlebury College in Vermont. Professor Dickerson spoke a number of times with an overview of his latest book entitled "Aslan's Breath" a study of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Narnia books. There was also and extremely well produced two actor play of "The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe" the first of the seven Narnia books in an area called the black box theater. There were also singer/songwriter acoustic round tables over the course of the two day event with artists such as Matt Wheeler, Sarah Sparks & Matt Clark among others. For this crusty old codger the weekend was more of a pilgrimage than just attending another conference, it was a time of renewing old friendships and making new ones which will last way beyond just a two day stretch. Although not there physically Leslie Bustard's spirit was there none the less permeating the entire event with a sense of love affection and artistic integrity that could not be ignored.  

A word must be said about Square Halo Books, it is a publishing company dedicated to promoting the arts through great books and in its years of existence has done so admirably, Check out their website at Squarehalobooks.com. Some of the artists of the Square Halo family include Ned Bustard, Leslie Bustard, Matthew Dickerson, Malcolm Guite, Edward Knippers and others. Without giving away too much let me say that one of the keynote speakers for next years conference will be Diana Glyer, author of "Jabberwockie" which is a study of the collaborative influence of the writers group known as "The Inklings". Take my word for it these conferences are events not to be missed.