Mack Brock - This Is Holy
This is Holy
Mack Brock
Centricity Music
11 songs/42 minutes
On This is Holy Mack Brock’s voice, sound and content recall Bebo Norman’s later work with its dense sound and praise-oriented lyrics. This is guitar-driven, arena rock in a studio setting. I hear a touch of European influences; guitar hooks with background synths providing atmosphere.
Brock’s history includes a 10 year stint with Elevation Worship, co-writing some of their early hits. Several solo releases followed before this debut on Centricity. I have a bias for this label as I have enjoyed so many of their releases and they are home to some of my favorite artists.
Although this may not be that different than similar modern worship recordings I like the subtle variations. Attention is given to the song structure; no extended improvisation here. The longest track is just over five minutes; most are three to four.
Some releases in this genre have a Charismatic orientation but that is not evident here. “Just Like You’ve Always Done,” is closest proclaiming that God’s still working miracles, referencing the Scripture that declares God is the same yesterday, today and forever. No argument there. It’s just that some focus more on signs and wonders as part of their theology, and it’s not as appealing to me. The teaching in these songs is sound covering the essentials of following Christ.
Brock makes this appealing no matter what camp one chooses to follow. I prefer this because it is just a little different from the major church-related worship offerings. These songs may not show up on sanctuary screens but it won’t be because of the quality.
The two songs that follow the first four are more stripped-back and quieter, providing a welcome change-up. “I Will Exalt You (This is Holy)” is quiet worship. Cyrus Brock, whom I presume is a young daughter, takes the initial lead in “The Best God.” The atmospheric synth sounds like it is approaching from a distance and acts as an unveiling. I wondered about the wording in the title. It seems to be a way of saying that there is none better or greater, and I imagine it as coming from a grateful heart crying out: You’re the best!
“Christ or Nothing” is an inspiring mid-tempo song of surrender that rocks. The chorus makes it resolute:
Oh, it’s Christ or nothing at all
Whatever you want
Whatever the cost
All I have, I count it as loss
’Cause for me it’s
Christ or nothing at all
This boldly proclaims the necessity of being united with Christ. Nothing else will do or satisfy. Slide guitar underscores the theme.
“Be Near (feat. Jenna Barrientes)” is a lovely, keyboard-driven ballad that begins and ends quietly but soars in the middle with all-encompassing sound. It’s a longing to be where God is, “nothing else matters more.” Barrientes takes the first stanza and joins Brock on the second in elegant harmony.
The lyrics show the futility of self effort:
I’m done with trying on my own
My hope is found in you alone
There’s nothing on this earth I need
As long as you are here with me
I also appreciate the passionate proclamation, “Where You are there is freedom. Where You are the darkness flees.” How we need to remember this now in what are trying times for many.
The closing “Your Love Is” presents a series of contrasts showing the superiority of God’s love. It ends with Brock softly singing to gentle piano notes.
Once again Centricity offers a worthwhile recording.
Michael Dalton
4 tocks